Why Isn't Gronk Getting Enough Credit For Apologizing For His Borderline Cheap Shot Yesterday?
I can’t believe people are still talking about Gronk’s late hit yesterday. I mean the Bills won’t shut up about it. They are acting like Gronk shot somebody. ESPN ranting and raving about how dirty it was. Umm am I the only one who heard Gronk apologize for it? I haven’t heard President Trump apologize for anything he’s done in office. Meanwhile Gronk basically trips and accidentally lands on a player on his way over to touch him down and promptly apologizes for it and nobody seems to care? I didn’t hear the Bills apologize for mauling him all day long? I didn’t hear the refs apologize for missing that call? I only heard Gronk apologize for that hit. What more do you want from this man? We all make mistakes. He was frustrated. He said he was frustrated. True men own up to their shortcomings and admit they screwed up. That’s what I heard Gronk do. He said he was sorry. Taking cheap shots is not the Patriot way. Taking accountability for borderline cheap shots and admitting you screwed up is the Patriot way though. If this was any other player on any other team nobody is still talking about this. It’s like Deflategate all over again. They Hate Us Cause the Ain’t Us Indeed.